If you have several related T&M Tags that need to be priced in one associated COR you can instantly do this in Clearstory.
In Clearstory you can select as many signed T&M Tags as you want and create one associated COR cover sheet. Here is how:
- From the T&M Log select which T&M Tags you want to use for the Change Order Request in the left hand column (you can select just one).
- Once selected, you will see the wrench icon at the header of the log turn green.
- Click on the green wrench icon, and you will see the Create COR page open with the data from each of the T&M Tags.
- From here we will pull in the data from each T&M Tag sorted by Tag Number. We will also attach the signed tags in the attachments section.
To learn how to create a COR, check out this article: How to create a COR.