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Email Notifications overview

Learn what email notifications you can control in Clearstory

Certain actions taken in Clearstory generate email notifications. These include:

  • Submitting a COR 
  • Sending a Tag
  • Signing a Tag
  • Sending a Change Notification
  • @ mentioning users in the Feed section

So, what notifications can you control? 

The answer to this question depends on whether you are the Contractor, Customer, or the Project Manager:

Contractor (typically your Sub-Contractor)

As a contractor, you have the ability to manage notifications for items that are submitted to you (this does not include items you are sending to your customer), such as Tags and CORs from subcontractors. If you are a subcontractor, you can also customize the permissions for your customers. 

Updating your permissions (what you receive, not what you send):

Updating your Customers permissions:

For more details, refer to our Permissions Article for guidance

Customer (typically your General Contractor)

As a customer, you have the ability to manage the alerts that you receive:

For more details, refer to our Permissions Article for guidance

Project Manager 

As a Project Manager, who is sending Tags and CORs to your customer, you will automatically receive alerts when a tag is signed or when a COR is submitted. These notifications cannot be customized. If you wish to stop receiving notifications, the only option is to be removed from the project.

@ Mentioning Users in the Feed Section

You cannot disable @ Mention notifications, which are triggered when a user selects your name in the Feed section of a COR or T&M tag:

Change Notifications

You are unable to disable Change Notifications emails that are sent to you.