November 2024 Release Notes

Here is an overview of enhancements and bug fixes to the Clearstory platform for the month of November

2024.11.21 Update 

Enhancements ✨

  • Added a multi-select filter for "Customer CO Number" to the Sent and Received COR Logs
  • Users can now filter the Received T&M Log by contract, allowing for differentiation between contractors across multiple contracts.

Bug Fixes 🐛

  • Fixed an issue where the ‘Select CMiC PCI’ modal failed to open when users tried to push a revision for a COR previously pushed using the subtotal or line-item option.
  • Mobile - HCSS - Fixed an issue where public facing notes from HeavyJob would duplicate in Time Card T&M Items if the same cost code was used multiple times on the same HeavyJob time card.
  • Mobile - Fixed an issue where users could not sign received T&M tags in the mobile app for self-perform companies. 

2024.11.07 Update 

Enhancements ✨

  • Filter the COR Log and T&M Log by “no label”.

Bug Fixes 🐛

  • T&M Tags created from HCSS timecards with a shared cost code now only pull description details from the selected timecards, rather than all HCSS timecards with that cost code.
  • Fixed an issue when exporting the COR Log filtered by Customer Reference Numbers containing commas.