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  2. Managing Projects and Invites

How to Link / Merge Existing Projects

This article will show you how to link your existing projects to avoid doubling up on work

Sometimes you may accept a project invite from your GC for a project that you already created on your side, resulting in duplicate projects. Don't worry. Linking the projects is easy. 

Please note: Any CORs and T&M Tickets the contractor created/sent on the project they were invited to by their customer will not be accessible after linking. In other words, the CORs/T&M Tags on the project that the GC invited the subcontractor to will be replaced by the CORs/T&M Tags that were on the project the subcontractor created.

If this is your first time using this feature, please reach out to us for any clarification to avoid losing data.

To link your projects:

1. Head to your Active Projects list

2. Locate the project you were invited to:

To find the project you were invited to, simply use the “Created By” column to determine who created the project. You will either see created by "My Company" OR your specific customer. 

Click on “MORE”

From there, select “Link to Existing Project"

3. Click the dropdown > select desired Project > click Submit


4.  Confirm by clicking OK

Your Project is now linked!