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Clearstory Pilot Program for Subcontractors

One of the best ways to get started with Clearstory is to pilot the software on a real project.

Pilot Program goals

  1. Learn how Clearstory will fit into your new and existing process
  2. Get your field and office teams up and running on the software
  3. Learn best practices for T&M Tags and Change Order Requests
    1. How to Create Time and Material Tags
    2. How to Upload Change Order Requests created outside of Clearstory
    3. How to create Change Order Requests with cost breakdown
    4. How to create Lump Sum Change Order Requests
    5. How to manage your COR log
  4. Finalize plan to roll out Clearstory across your organization

How It Works

Once you sign up and create your account we will "Activate" your account so you have access to two free projects. 


Create a Test Project:

  1. Create a "Test Project" and invite all of your company users. 
  2. Each user can create as many fake T&M Tags and Change Order Requests and will only be seen by your company internally.
  3. This way regardless of the schedule or amount of T&M Tags and CORs on the live project your team will all be able to get a feel for Clearstory's tools.


Create a Real Project:

  1. Pick one project currently underway or just getting started. 
  2. Add the team members and users that are actively working on the project.
  3. Set up the projects labor, material and equipment rates. 
  4. Update your COR log with any existing CORs that have already been submitted. Check out this guide to learn how to do that.
  5. Create new Time and Material Tags and Change Order Requests as they come up.

How to Get Started

To get started you will first need to sign up and create an account. Once you do or if you already have an account, email your Clearstory point of contact and we will "Activate" your account so you have access to all of our features. Once in, follow this guide to set up your account: Account set up Guide.

How to Measure Results

It can be hard to quantify results on one single project in construction since every project is unique and has different teams, schedules and designs. To understand how Clearstory can improve your business we recommend asking your team these questions during the pilot program:

  1. How does this compare to your current process? To help guide this conversation check out our ROI calculator here which can help visualize the process comparison.
  2. How does this T&M Tag documentation with typed descriptions and photo documentation compare to your existing handwritten paper T&M Tags?
  3. Does the live shareable link make it easier to keep your customers up-to-date instead of resending a log each time you update a COR?